NEET Biology Previous year MCQ Bank With Answer Key - 07

121. Photosynthetic bacteria have pigments in

(1) chromoplasts

(2) leucoplasts

(3) chromatophores

(4) chloroplasts


122. Due to which of the following organisms, yield of rice has been increased?

(1) Sesbania

(2) Anabaena

(3) Bacillus polymexa

(4) Bacillus popilliae


123. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in the industrial production of

(1) ethanol

(2) citric acid

(3) butanol

(4) tetracycline


124. Which one of the following micro-organisms is used for production of citric acid in industries?

(1) Rhizopus nigricans

(2) Penicillium citrinum

(3) Lactobacillus bulgaris

(4) Aspergillus niger


125. Puccinia forms

(1) uredia and aecia on barberry leaves

(2) uredia and aecia on wheat leaves

(3) uredia and pycnia on barberry leaves

(4) uredia and telia on wheat leaves


126. In fungi stored food material is

(1) sucrose

(2) glycogen

(3) glucose

(4) starch


127. A virus can be considered a living organism because it

(1) reproduces (inside the host)

(2) responds to touch stimulus

(3) can cause disease

(4) respires


128. Enzymes are absent in

(1) Algae

(2) Cyanobacteria

(3) Fungi

(4) Viruses


129. A good green manure in rice fields is

(1) Salvinia

(2) Aspergillus

(3) Mucor

(4) Azolla


130. In prokaryotes, the genetic material is

(1) linear DNA without histones

(2) linear DNA with histones

(3) circular DNA without histones

(4) circular DNA with histones


131. What is true for cyanobacteria?

(1) Non-oxygenic with nitrogen

(2) Oxygenic with nitrogenase

(3) Non-oxygenic without nitrogenase

(4) Oxygenic without nitrogenase


132. Extra-nuclear inheritance occurs in

(1) Phenylketonuria

(2) Killer strain in Paramecium

(3) Tay sach disease

(4) Colour blindness


133. Interferons are synthesized in response to

(1) Viruses

(2) Mycoplasma

(3) Fungi

(4) Bacteria


134. Industrial production of ethanol from starch is brought about by

(1) Azotobacter

(2) Saccharomyces

(3) Penicillium

(4) Lactobacillus


135. Black rust of wheat is caused by

(1) Aspergillus

(2) Puccinia

(3) Rhizopus

(4) Mucor


136. Adhesive pad of fungi penetrates the host with the help of

(1) softening by enzymes

(2) mechanical pressure and enzymes

(3) only by mechanical pressure

(4) hooks and suckers


137. Plant decomposers are

(1) Protista and animalia

(2) Monera and fungi

(3) Animalia and monera

(4) Fungi and plants


138. What is true for plasmid?

(1) Plasmid contains gene for vital activities

(2) Plasmids are widely used in gene transfer

(3) These are main party of chromosome

(4) These are found in virus


139. Cauliflower mosaic virus contains

(1) ds DNA

(2) ss RNA

(3) ss DNA

(4) ds RNA


140. What is true for archaebacteria?

(1) All fossils

(2) All halophiles

(3) Oldest living beings

(4) All photosynthetic

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